Commercial Property
Inespection Service In Ocala, FL

Put Safety First on Your Property

Schedule a commercial property inspection in Dunnellon, The Villages or Ocala, FL

Safety hazards lead to liability risks that could impact your business. To ensure you’re safe when opening your doors, turn to Assured Home Inspections. We handle commercial property inspections in Dunnellon, The Villages and Ocala, FL. Our experts will inspect every last inch of your property to give you peace of mind.

Email us today to arrange for a commercial property inspection.

Commercial Property Inspection
What does your commercial inspection include?

With a commercial inspection, you can put any concerns about your space to rest. A commercial property inspection covers:

We’ll check your electrical, plumbing and HVAC systems to make sure they function properly and safely. Additionally, we’ll check the structural integrity of the property. For more information on our commercial services, speak to our owner today.

Commercial Property Inspection